The First Post

By definition, a proxy is described as a substitute or agent to something, for someone. When I speak of a proxy life, i think of a life i have grown accustomed to; a life online. Gamers, social butterflies, and even the casual user has seen how greatly the internet has impacted our lives. Games like Second Life (and i use the term 'game' loosely for it) is a prime example of a shift in what we as a society view as social interaction. Giants like Facebook allow people to keep in touch with friends from years ago, or even make new ones with similar interests.

Why am i talking about this? It is probably the easiest way to show you where i come from, and what i do on a daily basis without getting into the details that frankly no one cares about. I guess from what i've told you, you don't really know what this blog is about or even for. The internet is such a vast wealth of knowledge, and i feel that without dedicating yourself to it, you fall behind on some topics that actually impact you in the technological world. I aim to try to talk about a lot of it, even if i use this as a journal.

So what topics will be on here? Probably everything from gaming, networking, security, online social networking, digital art; virtually anything pertaining to the online experience... your own proxy life.

I am 22, a gamer, graphic designer, programmer, and student of network security. My spare time is almost entirely dedicated to gaming and photoshop, which is indicative of my pale complexion. I belong to a dedicated gaming clan, and spend hours on Skype talking to friends. And yes, that devilishly good looking man to the left is me, the computer geek.

Welcome to the proxy life.


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