Who cares? Play it the way you want to.

Any game has a play style or item or weapon that people will always turn to you when you employ and and start to rage. My response to them? Get over it.

FPS games: The grenade launcher, aka "The Noob Tube"
To us who love this gun and use it to make these people cry, we call it instead 'the Pro Pipe". Those who hate it are none to pleased with us. And why should they? It's an instant kill and can hit multiple people at the same time. In retrospect however, the game developer put this weapon in the game for a reason. That's like going to war and saying "No it's okay, I'll leave my tanks at home, they're OP anyways". NO. That doesn't happen. Use the weapons and strategies you want to and have a damn good time doing it.

Starcraft 2: Cheese builds.
More accurately, they should be called "All in" builds, because if they don't work, you're basically screwed. For SC2 gamers, they're basically any of the following: Mass Marine, 6 Pool(7 Pool), Cannon Proxy, Gateway proxy, and up until the last big patch: Rax proxy. People gave a lot of flak to people who wanted to do these builds, and to my pleasure, people still did them. No whiny skill-less player above anyone should be telling you how to play the game.

I guess my point in mentioning this is my irritation when I see a thread on Battle.net inundated with people flaming someone over the way he likes to play the game. It's not unstoppable, and it doesn't break the game. If you can't defeat an opponent playing a way you don't like, learn how to beat it, and start pounding them into the ground. Don't go onto a forum and start trying to get a company to remove or fix said "problem". The only problem is your lack of finding a way to beat it.


Unknown said...

Agreed... Too much bashing on certain "cookie cutter" playing styles that work. If you get beat to noob tubing or cheesing you can't shoot fast enough or you don't scout enough.

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